选择 Choice

时间:2024-05-03 15:58:45 投稿人:admin
原标题:"选择 Choice"关于文章分享。 - 素材来源网络 编辑:admin。

选择 Choice

【简介】作文是经过人的思想考虑和语言组织,通过文字来表达一个主题意义的记叙方法。相信许多人会觉得作文很难写吧,今天小编就给大家整理了选择 Choice,希望对大家的工作和学习有所帮助,欢迎阅读!在此,感谢网友“早野星子”投稿本文!

As a child, we always want to grow up and make our choice. It is natural for us to chase after freedom. But it takes some price to be independent. When we make our choices, we need to take responsibility of the result. Last week, my mother needed to meet her friends, so she asked me to take care of the house and I said yes. I played computer games for the whole morning, then I suddenly remembered the cat, it needed to be fed. I forgot to ask my mother how to feed it, because my mother bought the food and I never noticed how to make it. So I decided to take some at will. When my mother returned home in the afternoon, she was so shocked that the cat ate the wrong food. And it was lucky that it was alright in the end. I felt so disappointed about myself and promised to take the responsibility. 小孩子总是希望快快长大之后可以自己做选择。我们追求自由是很自然的。但独立是要付出代价的。当我们做出选择时,我们需要对结果负责。上周,我妈妈要去见她朋友,所以她让我帮忙照顾房子,我答应了。我玩了一个早上的电脑游戏,然后我突然想起了我们家猫,它要吃东西。我忘记问我妈妈怎么喂养它了,因为都是我妈妈买的食物,之后我从来都没有注意到怎么喂。所以我决定随便拿点给它吃。当我妈妈下午回到家时,她非常震惊,因为猫吃错了食物。幸运的是,它最后没事了。我对自己感到很失望,答应承担责任。

以上‘选择 Choice’的内容,由学练范文网搜集整理分享。


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