我的同学 My Classmate

时间:2024-05-04 15:31:48 投稿人:admin
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我的同学 My Classmate

【简介】作文是经过人的思想考虑和语言组织,通过文字来表达一个主题意义的记叙方法。相信许多人会觉得作文很难写吧,今天小编就给大家整理了我的同学 My Classmate,希望对大家的工作和学习有所帮助,欢迎阅读!在此,感谢网友“睡觉叫不醒”投稿本文!

Last year, I became a middle school student. At first, I was so nervous about my new life. When I walked into the classroom, there were so many strangers in front of me. I looked down my head and had no idea where to sit down. Then a girl smiled at me and asked me to sit next to her if I wanted. I felt so happy and found my desk. The girl’s name was Li Hua. She helped me to get familiar with the environment and get to know other classmates. I was so thankful to her, she was such a nice girl that we became good friends. I cherish our friendship so much.去年,我成为了一名中学生。起初,我对我的新生活感到很紧张。当我走进教室时,很多陌生人出现在我面前,我低下头,不知道该坐哪里。然后一个女孩对我笑了,告诉我如果我愿意的话可以坐在她旁边。我很高兴找到了我的位置。这个女孩的名字叫李华,她帮助我熟悉了环境,认识了其他同学。我非常感谢她,她是一个非常好的女孩,我们成为了好朋友。我非常珍惜我们的友谊。

以上‘我的同学 My Classmate’的内容,由学练范文网搜集整理分享。


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